Tuesday, August 6, 2013

If You Could Be...

Today I was watching a show on Disney with my boys, and during one of the commercial breaks they were interviewing a kid. They asked him, "If you could be anyone you wanted, who would you be?" I didn't know the name of the teen star who he thought he wanted to be, but it got me thinking...

If I could be anyone I wanted to be, who would I want to be? I feel very blessed to say that there is no one I would rather be than me. And I think that as adults, we should all be comfortable enough in our own skin to have that same answer. If you would rather be someone other than yourself, or you would rather be living a different life, I'm thinking it's probably time to do something differently and start becoming the person you want to be!

This summer has been nothing short of a whirl wind for me. Between vacationing, moving to a new home, and having quite a bit of company, it has been VERY hard to stick to a training plan for my upcoming 50K. But this week, my sweat sisters and I recommitted and adjusted our training schedule to ensure a successful adventure. Needless to say, I am one sore lady!  I went from basically running 0 trail miles in the last month to running 21 trails miles in 5 days! And my body felt it. EEEEKK!

Luckily, I wasn't alone on any of those runs. I got to show a friend from out of town all of my favorite trails. And in doing so, was reminded of just how lucky I am to have such beautiful trails so close to my home! When someone from Southern California who has run on trails all over the country tells you that your favorite local trail might just be the most beautiful trail that she's ever run on, it kind of makes you stop and realize how awesome it truly is! And I hope that as I continue to settle in to the new house and as summer nears an end, I will be able to find time to spend on those trails every week. In the last 21 trail miles, I was quickly reminded of just how refreshing and rejuvenating it is to hit the trails. If you have never run trails, I highly recommend it!

In the end, my conclusion is that whenever I am out of a schedule and routine, there is nothing that makes me feel more comfortable than going on a trail run with my girls. It is good for the soul. And when I'm asked who I want to be, I know that I want to be me. That girl who is running free out on those trails...invisible cape in tact. 


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