Friday, October 30, 2015

Where I'm at With Food

I would like to start this post by making sure you know how much I love donuts, and cake, and cookies, and especially brownies, and ice cream, and all of the delicious things that normal people like. And I eat them. I don't know people that do not like these things. I'm actually really glad that I don't know people like that. Because I would not trust them. Not one bit. Because they surely would not be telling the full truth...

Next I want to make sure that you know that I am not an expert at anything. I am just passionately curious :)  And I've found some things that work really great for me. I have never taken any nutrition classes. All of my knowledge comes from wanting to know more, and searching for answers, mainly online, or from other people that I think are really healthy and knowledgeable about health.

About a year and a half ago, I got invited to do one of those free Beachbody clean eating challenge groups. I was hesitant, but needed some motivation, so decided to go for it. Through the process, I really felt that 100% clean eating WAS NOT FOR ME. I thought I was going to die without my hazelnut coffee creamer and my strawberry greek yogurt and cottage cheese...and on and on. I did the best I could, but there were just certain things that I wasn't willing to part with. I felt that I could eat really healthy (MUCH healthier than I'd been eating) without going completely clean. And, I was right. 

Since that time, I have done a few more clean eating challenges, and I've learned that I CAN get rid of some things that I thought I couldn't survive without. I now use unsweetened almond milk instead of creamer (gasp!), and I've even cut out my 80 calorie Light and Fit Greek yogurt. Don't get me wrong, I would definitely still eat/drink those things, but I have learned that I don't have to buy them every time I go to the store.

As a distance runner, I was always a girl that literally ate whatever I wanted and never had to worry about it. I'm 35 and that doesn't seem to work so well anymore. Just before I did my first 21 day clean eating challenge, I got the MyFitnessPal app and started logging my calories for the first time ever. Wow. I couldn't believe how many calories some of the things were that I was eating. I tracked my calories regularly for a few months until I really figured out what worked for me for regular meals. I'm REALLY good at eating the same exact thing for breakfast and lunch Monday - Friday. And I find it much easier to make good choices when I know exactly what I'll be eating and only bring those things to work with me. 

As for dinner, that is an area where I still struggle. I live in a house full of super picky boys that don't care one bit whether they're eating healthy meals or if their meals consist of bacon dipped in syrup and wrapped in bacon. So, dinners can be tricky. I often find myself making a variation of what everyone else is eating for myself...or at least eating a very small portion with a large side salad. 

So, when it comes to eating, overall, I feel like I do pretty well when I'm on track. But, I get off track a lot. And then I get back on track, and then on, and then off. Are there people that ALWAYS stay on track? I doubt it. And if so, I don't want to meet them either. Because then I'll feel bad about myself. HAhaha!

Okay, this is long. Sorry! I'm going to go ahead and show you what a normal week looks like for me with what I eat.

Monday - Friday:

Breakfast: currently I eat banana cakes every day for breakfast. They are perfect. The perfect amount of food, calories, protein, and carbs :)

1 banana - smashed
mix with 2 eggs
make like pancakes

celery with all natural peanut butter
cucumber slices
sugar snap peas
hard boiled eggs
stove popped popcorn with salt and pepper 


sweet potato chopped and steamed in the microwave in a Ziplock steamer bag
grilled chicken breast (which I prep on Sunday)

varies greatly...hoping for some input on this one. Always love new ideas!

I have found that if I stick to this food during the week, and I exercise regularly, and don't go overboard with dinner, I can eat much more leniently on the weekends and not worry about it so much. Because, honestly, I don't want to be that person on the weekends that worries a ton about what I'm eating. I want to work hard during the week, and then indulge a bit on the weekends when there are normally some kind of social event.

And that, is my food plan :)  I don't do shakes, and I try to eat "clean" Monday - Friday for all snacks, breakfast, and lunch. And I keep my portions in check and count calories if I am trying to take weight off. 

That's where I'm at with food :)
